
On this page you can find the recent versions of the drivers, applications and manuals for our DSP24 Value audiocard. You can download the files from our webserver. If available, please check the readme notes for each separate download with installation intructions.

Download Version Size Date Note File
Drivers/Applications for Windows 9x/Me 6.2.1023 839kB 07/13/2002 readme
EWDM Drivers for Windows 2000/XP new 8.4 483kB 03/14/2005 readme
EWDM Drivers for Windows 2000/XP 8.2rc5 1.3MB 03/02/2004 readme
Drivers/Applications for Windows 2000/XP 7.2.1014 668kB 10/14/2002 readme
Drivers/Applications for Mac OS X new 1.0.45 694kB 05/20/2004 readme dsp24v_1.0.45.sit
Drivers for Windows NT 4.0 5.0.1022 265kB 03/07/2001 readme
Applications Windows NT 4.0 1.5 1.1MB 02/05/2001 readme
manual addendum for EWDM drivers new Rev. B 843kB 03/02/2004 PDF dsp24ewdm.pdf
English language manual - 1.1MB 12/01/2000 PDF dsp24_value.pdf

If you have problems to download the PDF-files, please right-click on the download link and select Save target as .... You can use the alternative download location if you have problems during download. You can download older driver versions in our Archive.

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