Welcome to ST Audio Central

Welcome on the unofficial archive and support page for ST Audio products. Why unofficial? What is ST Audio Central?

Product Archive
In the product archive you can find detailed description of the products that have been sold with the ST Audio brand.

The download provides access to the important drivers and software for your ST Audio hardware.

The FAQ area contains answers to commonly asked questions about ST Audio hardware.

Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base area contains detailed texts about usage and optimization of ST Audio hardware.

Q&A support forum
Users help other users on the Q&A support forum - this is the main place to meet other users and discuss about ST Audio hardware.

PCMUS C-Port resources (external site)
The PCMUS website contains a number of support tips for the DSP24 series from ST Audio. If you need details about the usage of multiple cards in one system or about usage of the DSP24 hardware under Linux, this site is for you.

Yahoo ST Audio mailing list (external site)
The ST Audio mailing list is an additional forum to contact other users.

A list with the previous international distributors of ST Audio hardware, if you need local assistance.

Einige der genannten Waren- oder Firmennamen sind eingetragene Warenzeichen ihrer jeweiligen Hersteller und unterliegen daher den entsprechenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.